
EL TRIANGULO Simboliza la estrategia de colonización, el secretismo. La cabeza de la serpiente venenosa es triangular. Desde el vértice, la cúpula gobierna la bipolaridad, entendida como el "divide y vencerás". Un Estado dentro del Estado que opera subterráneamente, con una economía que conspira abriendo brechas y desaguaderos al presupuesto oficial.
La cúpula manipula secretamente los hilos del poder: gobierno y oposición, comunismo y capitalismo, oriente y occidente, este y oeste, judíos y árabes, pro y anti de la industria de la droga, guerrilla y democracia, sociedades secretas, masonería, opus dei, medios de financiamiento y comunicación, industrias alimenticias, farmacéutica y medicina privada (Lc 4: 5-6). Es la astucia de la serpiente.
Se le concedió un imperio inmenso (Ap13). Hasta se le permitió, por tres tiempos y medio, la victoria sobre los cristianos (Ap13:7).
La bestia segunda que surge de la "tierra santa", y que tiene todo el poder de la bestia egipcia, es Israel. Esta hace caer fuego del cielo (bombas atómicas, misiles). El rabinato disemina la cábala por todo el mundo, con apariencia de cordero pero boca de dragón. Esta segunda bestia compra la tierra para el Faraón (Gn 47: 20-22), empobrece y privatiza, es la "GlobalizaSIÓN" o "Nuevo Orden Mundial", como lo anuncia el símbolo piramidal colocado en la unidad del dólar, el "Annuit Coeptis", Bendice nuestras empresas (un rezo al ojo de Horus) y el "Novus Ordo Seclorum", "Nuevo Orden de los Siglos". El que no se haya pegado el vértice de la pirámide, en la unidad del dólar, significa que aún no se ha consolidado el octavo imperio, la serpiente (Dragón) se morderá la cola y el planeta quedará atrapado.
El debilitamiento de las naciones, la destrucción de sus ejércitos, se está produciendo a través de la destrucción de la sangre juvenil, la exaltación de los egos, drogas, delincuencia y hambre.
La Biblia enseña que el pueblo perece por falta de conocimiento de Dios. Un pueblo supersticioso, pasto de falsos profetas, está sometido a espada y hambre (Ez14:1-10). Lo que hacen los editores y productores de los medios de comunicación no tiene parangón, es verdaderamente aberrante (Jd5-16). Es muy lamentable ver como idiotizan a los jóvenes, que se prestan para hacer el ridículo por satisfacción del ego. Estos productores han caído en un estado tal de depravación que su pobreza espiritual se podría describir con una frase que alguien dijo alguna vez: "son tan pobres que lo único que tienen es dinero". Están tan ciegos que olvidan que tendrán que dar cuentas al que juzgará a vivos y a muertos.
LA MARCA DE LA BESTIA No es un misterio para nadie que un triángulo equilátero consta de tres angulos de 60º. Un misterio, es que esta figura se repita tantas veces en los logos de las más poderosas empresas y organizaciones a nivel nacional e internacional entre otros significados todavía mayores:
Eye of Horus in Leo with Saturn as the eye 9/11/2007.
The LOOP area between the two standstill spots is the Star of Bethlehem location also.
THE 666 (Chi-Xi-Stigma(Gamma))
THE EYE (Júpiter or Saturn your Ignition)

Astrological Significance of the
Cassini-Saturn Event
(also known as the Lucifer Project)
J.C. Goliathan
Bullets of what I am proposing:
-Jupiter was plunged into by Galileo in Sept of 2003 at the Star of Bethlehem location (2 and 3 BC - Jupiter and Venus were at the same spot together in conjunction).
-Saturn will be in this SAME area starting Sept of 2007 and will loop around in this area until late Sept. of 2008 at which point it crosses Chi LEO on its way to the Virgo constellation. (Saturn officially enters Virgo on Sept. 2 of THIS year, 2007, even though it is still in the LEO constellation).
-On Sept. 11 of this year and again April 16, 2008 (it is looping around here at this time so it lingers here 2 months before and after this April day also), Saturn is in the center of the Eye of Horus Triangle of Leo and also on the Regulus-Chort line in Leo. The Eye of Horus triangle is amazing and I'm not sure anyone has discovered before now. It is surrounded by the Greek assigned star symbol values of 600 + 60 + 6. Chi-Xi-Stigma (Stigma has been replaced by Leo Gamma x 2 at the Algieba location). Chi-Xi-Stigma means 666.
-NASA may be trying the create a new Star of Bethlehem with an Cassini-induced event on Saturn in the center of the LEO Eye of Horus on Sept. 11, 2007, or in Spring/Summer of 2008.
-Following this location, Saturn would move into the LEO ChiRho location. ChiRho is the ancient Horus symbol and is currently used by the Catholic church as its main symbol. It's the P with the X through it. This symbol means: Male/Female, Intercourse or Regeneration, Horus or Christ, and Skull/Bones. The P is the skull and the X is the bones. 9-11 also represents 9=skull, 11=bones.
-I don't believe in astrology, but many do and it seems that what is happening with Galileo and Cassini at Jupiter and Saturn is and has been timed to coincide with significant astrological events.
Supporting evidence follows:
"At this month's meeting of the society I will present again the 2,000 year old search for the Star of Bethlehem. After studying and dismissing, for a variety of reasons, other phenomena, the quest centers on two rare sets of conjunctions of planets. The first, the favorite of the last 400 years, involves a rare triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn over 6 month's in 7 BC. It's 2,000th anniversary was in 1994.
The second solution involves the planets Jupiter and Venus, which had two nearly stellar conjunctions 10 month's apart in 3 and 2 BC, 2,000 years ago in 1998 and 1999.
If you're a bit confused about the mathematics of the 2,000 year subtraction, remember there was no year zero, 1 BC was the year prior to AD 1. Therefore the 3rd millennium will start in 2001, not the year 2000. However most millennial celebrations will take place on New Year's eve 1999, not December 31st, 2000. Once again, sadly, ignorance wins out.
Adding to the information on the second solution I talked about 2 years ago are more ideas that were graciously sent me by George Petritz. It was an issue of Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College. In the December 1996 issue was an article The Star of Bethlehem by Dr. Craig Chester.
It looks like the Star of Bethlehem was not the spectacular apparition we celebrate today in images and song. The importance of the apparition was definitely in the eye of the beholder. And the beholders were the Magi, astrologer priests of the Zoroasterian religion based in Persia. They has worked out the meaning of every planet, position and constellation in the visible heavens, and they were aware of the writings and religions of the nations that surrounded them.
So let's try to see what the Magi might have read into two planetary conjunctions occurring 10 months apart in 3 and 2 BC.
On August 11th of 3 BC. just before dawn. The two brightest planets Jupiter and Venus merge into a single dazzling star in the dawn twilight. This even occurred below the chin of the constellation of Leo the lion. In the twilight, on the lion's bright star Regulus was visible.
So here's the cast of characters. Jupiter then as now was the king of the gods. In Hebrew, it was Sedeq, which meant Righteousness. The Jews worshipped one God, the only God, who created everything, so they didn't need to see Jupiter as a god.. Venus was the fertility goddess to all except the Jews. To the Babylonians it was Ishtar. However the in Second Kings and Jeremiah the prophets were distresses to find many Jews were indeed worshipping Ishtar. The lion was the king of beasts, and in Genesis 49:9 Jacob associated his son Judah with a lion. King David was of the tribe of Judah, and so was to be the Messiah. The reference is again repeated in Revelation 5:5, which reveals the power of the association in the early Christian era. Regulus' name means little king star, an allusion to its location in heart of the king of beasts. The ancients thought that this star ruled the affairs of the heavens.
Beside the conjunctions of Jupiter and Venus, each planet has their own conjunctions of Regulus. Chester also suggests a solution to the problem of the verse in Matthew 2:9, where the star came to a standstill over place where the child was. This seems to be impossible for an astronomical object. Chester's explanation was that this is when Jupiter reached its stationary points at the beginning and end of its retrograde or westward motion. Well, let's see the chronology of all these events, as modeled with my Looking Up program:
August 11, 3 BC. - Venus and Jupiter are in their first conjunction, visible low in the eastern twilight before sunrise. Both are moving eastward against the stars.
August 16, 3 BC. - Venus and Regulus are in conjunction.
September 13, 3 BC. - Jupiter and Regulus are in conjunction.
November 27, 3 BC. - Jupiter is stationary, and will begin to move in retrograde or to the west.
February 17, 2 BC. - Jupiter and Regulus are in conjunction for the second time, as Jupiter continues the retrograde motion.
March 28, 2 BC. - Jupiter is stationary, ending retrograde motion.
May 8, 2 BC. - Jupiter and Regulus are in conjunction for the third time.
June 10, 2 BC. - Venus and Regulus are in conjunction.
June 16, 2 BC. - Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction. They appear to merge into a single star low in the west at sunset.
The first conjunction, on August 11th, 3 BC., apparently set the Magi on their journey. This is the first appearance of the star as recorded in Matthew 2:2. I expect that the knowledge of planetary motions allowed the Magi to predict the second conjunction 10 months later. They may have timed their journey to arrive around that second conjunction.
The Magi expecting a king, went to the capitol city of Judea, Jerusalem. It is a reading from the scriptures that sends them to King David's birthplace, Bethlehem. As they left Jerusalem the Magi saw the star again. Was this the second conjunction? on June 17th, 2 BC…."
"In conclusion, it was the first Jupiter/Venus conjunction of August 12, 3 BC in the constellation Cancer that alerted the Magi to look for further signs. They found them - in the triple conjunction of Jupiter in Regulus in the constellation Leo. But it was the second conjunction, on June 17, 2 BC, in the evening, of Jupiter and Venus, in the constellation Leo, that started the Magi on their way west. Although the Magi probably had predicted these celestial events in advance, they wanted confirmation that their predictions would come to pass. The star they followed was the planet Jupiter, the King Planet, which, having gone through its retrograde motion, appeared to stand still on precisely December 25, 2 BC in the southern sky - and from Jerusalem it would appear that Jupiter had come to rest directly over Bethlehem. It remained stationary for 6 days, and to add to the symbolic significance, it was stationary in the center, or perhaps womb, of the constellation Virgo."
"What astronomical events, possibly in the years 3 or 2 BC, might have been related to the Star of Bethlehem? A nova -- the unexpected, sudden brightening of a star from invisibility into a bright object for a period of days or weeks -- has been suggested. But there is no historical record of such a nova, nor is it clear what a nova's astrological significance would be. Origen himself suggested a comet, but the recorded comets around this time, even Halley's Comet in 12 BC, were not very impressive; astrologically, they were considered ominous. Meteors and fireballs are even less likely candidates.
Conjunctions of planets have also long been considered good possibilities. A conjunction is a close apparent approach between two celestial objects. In 3 BC and 2 BC, there was a series of close conjunctions involving Jupiter, the planet that represented kingship, coronations, and the birth of kings. In Hebrew, Jupiter was known as Sedeq or "Righteousness," a term also used for the Messiah.
In September of 3 BC, Jupiter came into conjunction with Regulus, the star of kingship, the brightest star in the constellation of Leo. Leo was the constellation of kings, and it was associated with the Lion of Judah. The royal planet approached the royal star in the royal constellation representing Israel. Just a month earlier, Jupiter and Venus, the Mother planet, had seemed almost to touch each other in another close conjunction, also in Leo. Then the conjunction between Jupiter and Regulus was repeated, not once but twice, in February and May of 2 BC. Finally, in June of 2 BC, Jupiter and Venus, the two brightest objects in the sky save the sun and the moon, experienced an even closer encounter when their disks appeared to touch; to the naked eye they became a single object above the setting sun. This exceptionally rare spectacle could not have been missed by the Magi.
In fact, we have seen here only the highlights of an impressive series of planetary motions and conjunctions fraught with a variety of astrological meanings, involving all the other known planets of the period: Mercury, Mars, and Saturn. The astrological significance of these impressive events must surely have been seen by the Magi as the announcement of the impending birth of a great king of Israel.
September 11, 3 BC, is perhaps the most interesting date of all. Not only was Jupiter very close to Regulus in the first of their conjunctions, but the sun was in the constellation of Virgo (of obvious symbolism), together with the new moon, in a configuration that fits a plausible interpretation of a passage in the Book of Revelation describing the birth of a male child who is to be the ruler of the universe. Significantly, September 11, 3 BC, also marked the beginning of the Jewish New Year ( 9/11…World Trade Center; Altar, sacrifice, holocaust…? ), traditionally regarded as the anniversary of Noah's landing after the Great Flood.
But if the planet Jupiter was the Star of Bethlehem, or was a component of the events that triggered the visit by the Magi, how do we view the final appearance of the Star on their journey to Bethlehem? It would have been in the southern sky, though fairly high above the horizon. Could the Star have stopped over Bethlehem? The answer is yes. The word "stop" was used for what we now call a planet's "stationary point." A planet normally moves eastward through the stars from night to night and month to month, but regularly exhibits a "retrograde loop." After it passes the opposite point in the sky from the sun, it appears to slow, come to a full stop, and move backward (westward) through the sky for some weeks. Again it slows, stops, and resumes its eastward course.
It seems plausible that the Magi were "overjoyed" at again seeing before them, as they traveled southward, "his star," Jupiter, which at its stationary point was standing still over Bethlehem. We do know for certain that Jupiter performed a retrograde loop in 2 BC and that it was stationary on December 25, interestingly enough, during Hanukkah, the season for giving presents."
My contention is that there is some ancient astrology afoot here with the timing of NASA's Galileo and Cassini.
Jupiter and Venus came together on June 17, 2 BC to make the Star of Bethlehem. This location was 10h + 32m and 10 dec +25'. This location in the sky is almost nearly the same location that Galileo was plunged into Jupiter in Sept. 21, 2003. (10h +30m, and 10 dec +20') Saturn is in this location on Oct. 17, 2007 (10h +31m, 10 dec +56')
Even though still in the Leo constellation (known as the Lion of Judah), Saturn officially enters Virgo (the Mother) on Sept. 2, 2007. Nine days later, on September 11, 2007, Saturn is at (10h, + 14m, 12 dec +20'). This is very near Regulus, the King and Heart star of Leo and also directly on the LEO line from Regulus to Chort.
"September 11, 3 BC, is perhaps the most interesting date of all. Not only was Jupiter very close to Regulus in the first of their conjunctions, but the sun was in the constellation of Virgo (of obvious symbolism), together with the new moon, in a configuration that fits a plausible interpretation of a passage in the Book of Revelation describing the birth of a male child who is to be the ruler of the universe. Significantly, September 11, 3 BC, also marked the beginning of the Jewish New Year, traditionally regarded as the anniversary of Noah's landing after the Great Flood."
If Sept. 11, 3 BC is the true 0 point, then we are behind our calendar by 2 years and 3 months. This year is then not 2007, but actually 2009 going into 2010 right about now (June of 2007). Check my math please.
Sometime in September/October 2007, Saturn also is at the star of Bethlehem location. Saturn actually makes a loop into this area because of retrograde, so it ends up circling the star of Bethlehem location. This loop here is VERY significant for astrologers because it is the sign of the heavens that this planet is trying to get across to us. So even by the summer of 2008 it's still in this location on its way to the LEO ChiRho crossing and then into the Virgo constellation.
On Sept. 11 of this year and again April 16, 2008 (it is looping around here at this time so it lingers here 2 months before and after this April day also), Saturn is in the center of the Eye of Horus Triangle of Leo and also on the Regulus-Chort line in Leo. The Eye of Horus triangle is amazing and I'm not sure anyone has discovered before now. It is surrounded by the Greek assigned star symbol values of 600 + 60 + 6. Chi-Xi-Stigma (Stigma has been replaced by Leo Gamma x 2 at the Algieba location). Chi-Xi-Stigma means 666.
Following this location, Saturn would move into the LEO ChiRho location. ChiRho is the ancient Horus symbol and is currently used by the Catholic church (they also sometimes include Alpha/Omega on the symbol) as its main symbol. It's the P with the X through it. This symbol means: Male/Female, Intercourse or Regeneration, Horus or Christ, and Skull/Bones. The P is the skull and the X is the bones.
Selected Greek symbol values:
C c Chi = 600
X x Xi = 60
G g Gamma = 3
Stigma = 6
A a Alpha = 1
W w Omega = 800
R r Rho = 100
The inner triangle that surrounds Saturn in this area of LEO has a double Gamma at the top. Since the ancient 6 symbol in Greek (Stigma) was removed one must used double gamma or digamma to say 6. In this case it is a major star location of Algieba. The other two corners are Chi (600) and Xi (60). These are minor LEO stars, but on Sept. 11, standing in for these stars as designated hitters are the Sun/New Moon combination for Chi, and Venus for Xi. This creates a slightly larger triangle that surrounds the small one. In the center of this double triangle is Saturn. The two triangles resemble the shape of the great pyramids. This is certainly the all-seeing Eye of Horus inside the triangle from ancient Egypt that is being simulated here. If NASA can get Saturn to ignite here, can you see the significance?
Chi Xi Stigma (khee xee stig'-ma)
The 22nd, 14th and an obsolete letter (stigma as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers; denoting respectively 600, 60, and 6; 666 as a numeral six hundred threescore and six.
Stigma (Stigma has been replaced by Gamma x 2 3x2=6) or one might use digamma for 6.
Eye of Horus in Leo with Saturn as the eye 9/11/2007
(scroll down):
The LOOP area between the two standstill spots is the Star of Bethlehem location also.

The Legend of the Skull Of Sidon
The Skull and Cross bones have long been known to have Masonic connections. It was commonly used as a symbol on Masonic Grave sites in the past. The Skull and Crossbones, Masonic or not point out to us all, our own mortality and eventual death. This image of mortality was believed to figure in Templar ritual. Now while this claim in and of itself seems quite believable, one of the legends of how it came to be is not.
It is well known that the order of the Templars were monastic in nature and therefore forbidden to have involvement with women.
The legend of the Skull of Sidon states that a great lady of Maraclea was loved by a Templar who was a Lord of Sidon. She died suddenly. On the night of her burial, he supposedly crept to her grave, dug up her body and violated it.
Then a voice from the void bade him return in nine months time for he would find a son.
He returned at the appointed time, opened the grave again and found a head on the leg bones of the skeleton (skull and crossbones).
The same voice bade him 'guard it well, for it would be the giver of all good things', and so he carried it away with him.
It became his protecting genius, and he was able to defeat his enemies by merely showing them the magic head. In due course, it passed to the possession of the order.
This tale can be traced back to a twelfth century author named Walter Mapp, although the story at this time is not connected with the Templar Knights. However, at the time of their trials 1307-1314 it was well woven into the Templar legend. In fact it was called upon during the actual trials of the Templars.
Edward Burman in his book Supremely Abominable Crimes tells of an Antonio Sicci, an apostolic notary from Vercelli, Northern Italy. Sicci recounts to the inquisitors the tale of the Lord of Sidon which he claimed he learned while working for the order in the Holy Land. His accusation and recounting of the tale is similar to that quoted in Baigent and Leigh's book.
As ridiculous as this tale seems in modern times, it was easily bought during the period. The inquisitors and theologians would have picked up on the fact that the woman of the piece was Armenian by background. This they would have connected with the Armenian Church and its Paulician sects. The Paulicians and the Bogomils were practitioners of Catharism which the church had all but wiped out during the Albigensian Crusade. Since the church believed the Cathari to be practitioners of the Black Mass and necromancy, the woman's Armenian background would make the story guilty by association.
- The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail
The Skull and Crossbones
By Philip Gardiner
Whenever we see a pirate ship on television, cinema or in comic books we also see an extremely ancient symbol – the skull and crossbones. This however, was not a symbol of death or indeed poison but instead it profoundly symbolized life in so many aspects.
It was in fact used by the infamous Templars.
But, I wondered, what explanation did the Knights Templar give for using the symbol? Where did they get it from? I found a strange tale that is told by most Templar researchers to link the symbol to them and this tale surprisingly involves the number 9, a mother earth image and a skull.
In The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, Baigent, et al tell the tale:
'A great lady of Maraclea was loved by a Templar, A Lord of Sidon; but she died in her youth, and on the night of her burial, this wicked lover crept to the grave, dug up her body and violated it. Then a voice from the void bade him return in nine months time for he would find a son. He obeyed the injunction and at the appointed time he opened the grave again and found a head on the leg bones of the skeleton (skull and crossbones). The same voice bade him 'guard it Well, for it would be the giver of all good things', and so he carried it away with him. It became his protecting genius, and he was able to defeat his enemies by merely showing them the magic head. In due course, it passed to the possession of the order.'
In another version this Lord of Sidon actually ritualistically marries the corpse.
Now such stories are naturally seen as macabre and the 'hidden message' therefore still evades us – which is the idea. But as I was to discover, what is really being conveyed in these stories, is the importance of the union or balance, which creates a state of enlightenment akin to that spoken of by the Gnosics, alchemists and mystics. [1]
I turned firstly to the main character in the tale, the infamous Lord of Sidon.
As a Titular metropolis of Pamphylia Prima, Sidon, dates as far back as Neolithic times. In the tenth century B.C. Sidon had its own coinage that bore the head of Athena (also Minerva a serpentine, feminine deity linked with healing.) I found that Athena was indeed the patroness of the city even though its people were sometimes termed 'a piratical horde' and Constantine Porphyrogenitus called Sidon a 'nest of pirates.' However the place did go on to play host to one of Alexander the Great's garrisons for a while, which was used to subdue this piratical element for Alexander's own purposes. Under his successors Sidon became known as the 'holy city of Phoenicia' and enjoyed relative freedom, with games and competitions attracting people from far and wide.
In 1111 AD the crusader Baldwin, who was later to become King Baldwin of Jerusalem, besieged the city and it was later to become one of the four baronies of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
From early on, Sidon was a rendezvous for pirates, and even the slave trade continued after the fall of slavery elsewhere.
The fact that it was well known as a 'nest of pirates' was startling. I considered also the link of the skull and crossbones to piracy, especially as it was linked to the Templars, and the fact that the Lord from the skull and crossbones story was Lord of Sidon.
So was this Lord of Sidon mentioned in the Templar story really a pirate?
The links between Sidon are strong: Templars were highly commercial and indeed linked to slavery, so was Sidon. It collapsed in the 14th century, and so did the Templars. It had a huge fleet, and so did the Templars. In fact they were one and the same in many respects – both feeding from one another. The leaders of Sidon were linked with the Templars and would have seen the Templar's banking system as highly important.
As the Holy Land finally fell to the Muslims in 1291 I found mention of a Templar knight by the name of Tibald Gaudin who is thought to have carried off the famous Templar treasure. When Gaudin finally arrived at the Templar port of Sidon he was elected the next Grand Master – or Lord. It seems that there were ample financial reserves held at the Sidon Preceptory and so the treasure of the Templars cannot have been gold or otherwise it would not have been mentioned.
If Sidon had a hidden message in the text then it was simply that the Lord of Sidon was to get the Grail from the Lady of Maraclea – as intimated in the story quoted above – which reveals, and rather symbolically, the means through which he could claim it.
Having now established a link between Sidon and the Templars story I wanted to move on to the other name given that caught my eye – Maraclea.
This peculiar name I found was taken from a site that the Templars had previously held in the 13th century. I wondered whether the name had a symbolic meaning – a name with a hidden message in the language – why else would she be from Maraclea and not Antioch or Acre?
Initially I found the site was called Maraclea because it simply means 'Clear Waters' or 'Sea.' But I wanted to know why the Templars had used the term and began with the standard etymological practice of breaking the word up into two parts – Mara and Clea. I delved into the world of etymology once more and found some remarkable 'coincidences.'
Mara in Hebrew means, 'bitter' and was a common alternative for Mary – whether the Mother of Jesus or the Magdalene. In Latin it equates to mare, which is 'water,' 'lake,' 'sea' and indeed linked to 'horse' (female horse.) In Anglo Saxon I found that the term mara meant 'greater' or 'more.' In Buddhism Mara is 'death' or 'evil one.' Mara is said to tempt us like Eve and indeed it was Mara who tempted Buddha on the night before his enlightenment experience. I found this rather intriguing as in the Garden of Eden it was the serpent whom supplied the fruit of the tree of knowledge to Eve and therefore he was supplying enlightenment just like Buddha.
This Mara of the Buddhists I discovered was also closely related to Rama, where ma equates to black or dark, a term associated with beauty and a term also meaning 'Great Mother.'
I quickly moved on to the second part of the word – clea.
It was perfectly 'clear' what it meant. Clea means simply 'to clean,' 'to clear,' 'to be clear,' 'to be pure,' 'to be bright' or 'to shine!'
I ran through the variants that were now possible:
Mary Pure – well no, that didn't work. Water Bright – this didn't really relate.
In fact there were numerous configurations that I could have made. In the end I landed on two that just seemed to make perfect sense and related etymologically in the Anglo Saxon for both words - without mixing up the languages. The result sent a shiver up my spine as I realised the two meanings of Maraclea. The first one was, Black-Clear or Dark-Clear.
Well this was significant in the Gnostic sense, as the contradictory nature of the words revealed the duality spoken of by the Gnostics and Manicheans – light and dark, male and female.
The other meaning of the name Maraclea was equally astounding and related even more to the concept of illumination. It was 'Greater Shining'.
Here I have a Lord of Sidon, possibly a Templar knight, if indeed not a Grand Master, coming into union with the 'Greater Shining.' What could it possibly mean other than this Templar was a 'Shining One' and therefore experienced the Holy Grail of enlightenment for himself? The result of his union would be the head or skull 9 months later (although another version says 9 years,) and as I was to discover in my researches into the Temple of Jerusalem, the number 9 was of paramount importance to the Templars. The head was also definitely being used as a metaphor for this internal process, which actually involved the head or something within it.
I decided in this instance to just take a look at language rather than numbers and so consulted the Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins by Robert Hendrickson.
'Nine days' Wonder – Minor marvels, things that cause great sensations for a short time and then pass into limbo… Kittens, puppies, and other young animals have their eyes closed for a number of days [9] and then open them and see the light….'
Amazingly this is mirrored in folktales, myth and legend and therefore in the significance of the number we have here a period of 9 months where the female is pregnant; 9 months or years for the Lord of Sidon to receive his prize; and 9 days before the new born animals see the light – it all made complete sense.
So, the skull and crossbones is linked to the number 9 and again, enlightenment and the Holy Grail – which are both seen as good, pure and holy. Indeed, was not the Holy Grail said to be the giver of all good things, just like the head in the Templar tale, 'guard it Well, for it would be the giver of all good things.'
'It became his protecting genius.' Others have found this part of the text very strange, however I understood what it meant immediately, and for confirmation I looked up the meaning in a standard dictionary and found perfect corresponding evidence for the Greater Shining.
Genius, inborn faculty. (L.) L. genius, the tutelary spirit of any one; also wit, lit. 'inborn nature.'
So, this 'Greater Shining,' this 'head,' became his inborn faculty or inborn nature. The two were the same.
The Lord of Sidon (a Templar) mates with the Lady of Maraclea (a Cathar) and we have an inborn nature called genius. Suddenly the Skull and Crossbones symbol, as explained in the Templar text is revealed before our eyes.
At this point it crossed my mind that I had only gone back to the Templars. I wondered just how far back in time I could possibly go with this skull and crossbones image?
The earliest reference to the actual skull and crossbones I could discover was the Templar reference. However, taking the image as symbolic, which is what it indeed was, then we are looking for the shape – a skull or head with a diagonal cross or saltaire below.
Amazingly, I found this in Ancient Egypt and on the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Carrying a staff or sceptre was, in ancient Egypt, a symbol of universal power. The Flail was used to beat animals (or indeed people) into submission and shows authority like the sceptre – hence their interchangeable nature. The crook was a shepherd's tool, used to pull stray animals by the neck without hurting them. Here we have an image of push and pull. This shepherd aspect of the king is as old as Mesopotamia and possibly beyond.
These two symbols reveal the two opposites of the duality spoken of by the Gnostics, the push (positive/male) and pull (negative/feminine). Anyone therefore that mastered these symbols had mastery over the self and the enlightened connection or 'shining'.
Tutankhamun was seen with these devices held upon the chest in the diagonal cross form, making a replica of the skull and crossbones in form, whereas many other Pharaohs held them outwardly away from each other.
When dead, the king becomes Osiris, and I find that this same image is seen upon Osiris and is therefore his symbol – a symbol of the ultimate universal power and borrowed by his earthly representative the Pharaoh.
Osiris is the archetypal resurrecting god – a symbol of regeneration, akin to the power of the Templar in the text. So the Templar is symbolically the same as Osiris on Earth. No wonder that Christ is called the 'good shepherd' – as was Osiris who was called the 'good god.'
I turned my gaze even more laterally and found another symbol related entirely to both the skull and crossbones and the Egyptian influence.
This separate and more obscure image also closely resembled the skull and crossbones and over it a 'holy war' has raged for decades.
The symbol is now commonly known as the Chi-Rho – so-called because it is composed of the Greek letters chi (X) and rho (P).
The war over these two letters is fought between Christians and historians; between fundamentalists on both sides and yet both sides are missing the point.
The Christians claim that the Chi-Rho form the first two letters of Christ (Cristos) and the historians claim that the symbol can be found hundreds if not thousands of years before Christianity and was therefore usurped by them. I needed to look into this to discover the origins, meaning and why it so resembled the style of the skull and crossbones.
An identical symbol to the Chi-Rho has been found inscribed on rocks dating from 2,500 BC Sumeria, and was interpreted as 'a combination of the two Sun-symbols' – symbols of the ancient shining ones. It was also used on the coins of Ptolemeus III from 247-222 BC, as well as being an emblem of the Chaldean sky/sun god and has the definition 'Everlasting Father Sun' (From An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols.)
According to Sir Flinders Petrie - the Egyptologist - the monogram Chi-Rho was the emblem of the Egyptian god, Horus, thousands of years before Christ and is therefore a link between Horus the saviour, and Christ the saviour. I had already noted on several occasions the links between these ancient characters and so this was highly believable and conclusive. [2]
To others it is in this second century B.C. where the secret of the monogram lies with the Greek Ptolemy's who are said to have 'borrowed' it from the Africans. In this scenario the Greeks called their version of Horus, Herecles or Hercules and applying the Greek Xpnc (Chres) to him. This suddenly gave the ancient Horus the title of Lord, Chrestos, and inevitably 'Christ.' This, if true, shows again the direct link between Horus, the Chi-Rho monogram and Christ.
Indeed many European scholars have actually identified Heracles or Hercules as none other than an emblem of Jesus Christ. I had to bear in mind that the name Heracles, is related to Hero and Hu, which means, 'shining,' but are also related etymologically to Christ, showing that these titles of the Messiah are directly derived from the word Heru which is of African origin and can be found the world over as a word for the sun.
But there were even more links, as I discovered. The Greek title Christ is, like Heru, also derived from an Egypto-African word Karast, and Kristos or Christos is the KRST (Karast). Karast is a person who is anointed (enlightened or shining) as a Heru (Hero) during his or her own lifetime. It is only when deceased that one receives the great term 'a KRST' or Ausur. This Ausur is none other than Osiris, the same Egyptian god I found with the skull and crossbones symbol with the flail and sceptre.
The anointing, in the physical sense, (as the anointing also applies in the spiritual sense,) derived from the body or cadaver being anointed with spices, oils, and resins to preserve it. The body is then wrapped in bandages, placed in a coffer, which is then placed upright to symbolise resurrection. It was believed that in the plural, the Herus (Heroes) or Krst's (Christs) would rise again to save the world as fully divine beings and thus become the 'once and future king.' It seems then that this tradition came out of Africa, through Egypt and into Greek and Christian legend and brought with it the original symbols of Osiris.
So, I wondered, what do the Christians believe this Chi-Rho to derive from? Well, I found that it goes back to Constantine and was an amazing propaganda device to establish the new Roman, and therefore to become, Catholic Empire.
The story goes that Constantine had a vision before a great battle and was told that with the symbol of the Chi-Rho, which they called the Labarum, he would gain victory – 'By this sign, you will conquer.' Using the new Labarum as his battle standard, which would relate to everybody, Constantine took the field and the Empire was 'born again.' In fact, the Christians had been using this symbol secretly as a sign of their faith and Constantine (or somebody who advised him) simply picked up on the fact that this symbol and the whole saviour process was as ancient and widespread as I am outlining here – and according to some – it was used to plunder the treasuries of the pagan temples. Amazingly, on the coinage during and after Constantine's death, we see the Laburnum or Chi-Rho, underlined with the serpent – a symbol used throughout time and especially by the Gnostics for wisdom and the enlightenment process.
Strangely, just as the biblical term, Elohim, is a plural word used for God, and in reality means the 'Shining Ones,' the X part of the monogram is also plural (X=10) and is the number of Yahweh. Chi also has another meaning – 'Great Fire' or 'Light' or even 'Shining.' The P (Rho) part is more difficult but has been related to 'Pen' (pen means, 'head') in etymology thus implying that the loop on the top of the P is a head, in the very place that a skull would be on the skull and crossbones. [3]
I found that the symbol of the skull and crossbones then, stretches back over thousands of years and relates entirely to the ancient 'Shining Ones' – and directly to Osiris, the Egyptian version of the original 'Shining Father' incarnated on earth. Not only that, but geographically it goes right into the heart of original Shining territory.
I was tempted to look into the infamous Skull and Bones secret society of Yale University so famously joined by Bush Senior and Junior, as well as many other extremely powerful individuals, but decided I was straying too far into the world of conspiracy theories that had little or no substance and so I left well alone. However, as I was to discover with the Jesuits, who swear an oath upon the symbol of the skull and crossbones, I found that the Freemasons also have this symbol and utilize it without too much knowledge of its origin – or so we are led to believe.
However, what was intriguing was the 'degree' that utilized the symbol – the Knights Templar.
In the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Virginia, USA, there is an anteroom with a large portrait of the Colonial period Grand Master Lafayette wearing the Templar Apron bearing the 'skull and crossbones.' The same apron images have also been found elsewhere, such as Michigan, Detroit and Jackson and I am sure that these are not the only ones, as several members have also pointed out to me that they too have seen the aprons.
According to Masonic history the apron can only be dated back to the late 18th century and to the revisions carried out by Thomas Smith Webb where he pointed out that 'The flap black, and a skull and cross bones embroidered in silver thereon.'
On another apron is described by Cornelius Moore in 1859, 'An Apron of black velvet of a triangular form, trimmed in silver lace. On the top or flap is a triangle, with twelve holes perforated through it; in the centre of the triangle is a cross and serpent; on the centre of the apron is a scull and cross bones, and at equal distance from them, in a triangular form, a star with seven points; in the centre of each star a red cross.' (From The Craftsman and Freemasons Guide, 1859.)
The reasoning behind having this skull and crossbones on the Masonic apron, is revealed in a story with which I began – the story about a Lord of Sidon . . ."
Chi Rho = Skull and Bones
9 -11 = Skull and Bones (9 is the skull, 11 are the bones).
Saturn enters Virgo Sept. 2nd and 9 days later is at the Eye of Horus Location on 9/11/2007.
Saturn will cross Rho Leo and Chi Leo on its way to Virgo after the Eye of Horus loop.
The sky symbols are all too apparent for those who can see. This is a set-up for a new world King to arrive this year or next. Could the nine day time span after entrance into the Virgin symbolize the Lord of Sidon's wait for the Skull and Bones child to be born?
All-seeing eye image in ancient German church:
"The entire quotation is as follows: 'Novus Ordo Seclorum altered from Magnus Soeclorum Ordo, a mighty order of the ages born anew. Both the prophetic Virgin and Saturnian kingdoms now return. Now a new progeny is let down from the heavens. Favor, chaste Lucina, the boy soon to be born in whom the iron age shall come to an end, and the golden one shall arise again in the whole earth.'"
Chapter 14: Great Cycle, Global Grid And Multidimensional Physics: The Historical Perspective
J. C. Goliathan
July, 2007
Dr. Clever Sánchez